Read & Review
Read & Review is the reading scheme run by the Library. It is designed to help students reach their reading goals by letting them pick a book, magazine, article (it really can be anything!) they would like to read and writing a review here on the Read & Review page.
Your review can be anything from two words to two paragraphs!
Students who enter a review will be automatically added to a prize draw and one lucky winner will be picked at the end of every half term. Previous prizes have included Cornerhouse vouchers, sweets, stationery kits, and more. Read & Review will take place from October to May half term.
Think before you speak. Read before you think.
Fran Lebowitz, 'The Fran Lebowitz Reader'
In books I have travelled, not only to other worlds, but into my own.
Anna Quindlen, ‘How Reading Changed My Life’
So many books, so little time!
Frank Zappa
Stephen King, ‘On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft’
George R. R. Martin, ‘A Dance with Dragons’
Dr Seuss, ‘I can read with my eyes shut’
William Nicholson, ‘Shadowlands’
Margaret Atwood
Joseph Addison
Betty Smith, ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’
Margaret Fuller
Orhan Pamuk, ‘The New Life’
Honore de Balzac
Ursula K. Le Guin
William Faulkner
Haruki Murakami, ‘Norwegian Wood’
Gary Paulsen, ‘Shelf Life: Stories by the Book’
Napolean Bonaparte