Exams can be a source of huge stress, but heading into an exam armed with good preparation and revision techniques is the best way to perform well and smash your tests.
This practical, supportive guide steers students through a 14-day revision programme, showing them how to make the most of the time available to them to maximise results.
Outlines in simple language the steps you can take to increase your memory power and pass your exams with flying colours.
This book will help readers to better understand what happens when we experience stress and what triggers these feelings. It will also introduce techniques which will help readers to manage the challenges of university life.
Preparation is the key to approaching exams with confidence, and this book will help students get organised, manage their stress levels and put the whole experience into perspective.
Packed with study tips and handy activities, Essential Study Skills is a proven guide that shows you step-by-step how to study effectively and make the best of your time at university - whatever level you're at.
This practical skills guide helps young people with who learn differently including those with dyslexia, DCD/dyspraxia and ADHD, study for their exams. Struggling students will become confident, successful learners, with a positive attitude and access to a wide range of effective strategies, and in this way, you will achieve the results in exams that you have worked for and deserve.